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Jacob Bromberg
Jacob Bromberg is a multi-media poet and translator, as well as a contributing editor at The White Review. His collaboration with Camille Henrot, Grosse Fatigue, won the Silver Lion at the 2013 Venice Biennale. His work has appeared in/been exhibited at The Paris ReviewThe Believer, The Palais de Tokyo, Le MondeColor TreasuryGruppen, and the Fiorucci Art Trust’s Volcano Extravaganza, among other venues.

Articles Available Online

In conversation: Jacob Bromberg and Zoë Hitzig


October 2020

Jacob Bromberg

Zoë Hitzig


October 2020

Zoë Hitzig’s first book of poems, MEZZANINE, is animated by a prismatic intelligence that alternately focuses and refracts different wavelengths of power at work...



Issue No. 6

The Prosaic Sublime of Béla Tarr

Rose McLaren


Issue No. 6

I have to recognise it’s cosmical; the shit is cosmical. It’s not just social, it’s not just ontological, it’s really...


January 2015

Adventures in Immediate...

Max Blecher

TR. Michael Henry Heim


January 2015

I can picture myself as a small child wearing a nightshirt that comes down to my heels. I am...


January 2014

Three New Poems

Antjie Krog


January 2014

Antjie Krog was born and grew up in the Free State province of South Africa. She became editor of...


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