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Ivan Vladislavić
Ivan Vladislavić was born in Pretoria in 1957 and lives in Johannesburg. His books include the novels The Restless Supermarket, The Exploded View and Double Negative, and a compendium of short stories titled Flashback Hotel. TJ/Double Negative, a joint project with photographer David Goldblatt, received the 2011 Kraszna-Krausz Award for best photography book. His work has also won the Sunday Times Fiction Prize, the Alan Paton Award and the University of Johannesburg Prize. In 2015 he was awarded the Windham-Campbell Prize for fiction.

Articles Available Online



September 2013

Outside the Uniform

Kaya Genç


September 2013

I.   The first time I had to wear a uniform I looked like a madman struggling against a...


May 2011

Short Cuts

Charles Boyle


May 2011

1.. Whatever it is that the literature department of Arts Council England (ACE) is for, it can’t be for...


January 2015

Judge Sa’b

Uday Prakash

TR. Jason Grunebaum


January 2015

Nine years ago, after thirteen years of living in the Rohini neighbourhood of north Delhi, I moved, and came...


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