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Hella S. Haasse
Hella S. Haasse was born in 1918 in Batavia, modern-day Jakarta. She moved to the Netherlands after secondary school. She started publishing in 1945 and many of her books, among them The Black Lake (Portobello Books, 2013), have gained classic status in the Netherlands. Haasse has received several prestigious literary awards, among them the Dutch Literature Prize in 2004, and her work has been translated into many languages. The Tea Lords (Portobello Books, 2010) was the first work of hers translated into English for fifteen years. She died in 2011.  

Articles Available Online

The Black Lake


January 2014

Hella S. Haasse

TR. Ina Rilke


January 2014

Oeroeg was my friend. When I think back on my childhood and adolescence, an image of Oeroeg invariably rises before my eyes, as though...



Issue No. 5

Choose Your Own Formalism

David Auerbach


Issue No. 5

1. ALL SQUARES RESIDE IN THE HUMAN BREAST In 2007 game designer and Second Life CEO Rod Humble wrote...


Issue No. 20

Two Poems

Nisha Ramayya


Issue No. 20

JOY OF THE EYES   The future is not the beginning, but the forerunner, of a new intense-formation.  ...


November 2016


Harriet Moore


November 2016

Forgive me Sister for I have sinned it’s been seconds since my last confession. I sit in the dark...


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