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Galina Rymbu
Galina Rymbu was born in 1990 in the city of Omsk (Siberia, Russia) and currently lives in St. Petersburg. She has published poems in the Russian Journals The New Literary Observer, Air, Sho, and in the Translit series. Her essays on cinema, literature, and sexuality have appeared on the internet portals Séance, Colta, and Milk and Honey. She is the author of the recently published collection Moving Space of the Revolution.

Articles Available Online

Winter Diary


Issue No. 17

Galina Rymbu

TR. Joan Brooks


Issue No. 17

who bravely blasts their breath through the horn flares of gloomy streets, into dripping construction trailers, dropped by the dead, the dull anxiety of...


January 2016

Galina Rymbu

TR. Joan Brooks


January 2016

I’m screaming lying alone in this settlement     everything empty only emptiness sex – is a desert     evening coming home from...



October 2015

Interview with Valeria Luiselli

Stephen Sparks


October 2015

Valeria Luiselli’s second novel, The Story of My Teeth, was commissioned by two curators for an exhibition at Galeria...


February 2011

Interview with David Vann

Marissa Cox


February 2011

I am a little apprehensive about meeting David Vann for the first time. His father committed suicide when David...

Prize Entry

April 2015

How things are falling.

David Isaacs

Prize Entry

April 2015

i.   Oyster cards were first issued to members of the British public in July 2003; by June 2015...


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