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Gabriel Flynn
Gabriel Flynn has an MA in Modern and Contemporary Writing from UEA and was a Kennedy Scholar in the English department at Harvard. He currently lives in Manchester, where he is writing a novel about work.

Articles Available Online

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Rockets and Blue Lights

Prize Entry

May 2020

Gabriel Flynn


Prize Entry

April 2015


Nick Mulgrew

Prize Entry

April 2015

After a while you memorise the steps. You read the addresses and your calves just know, hey. They just...


January 2015

'Every object must occupy ...'

Herta Müller

TR. Philip Boehm


January 2015

I’d like to introduce you to a book, an impressive book that no one read when it first came...


November 2013

The Past is a Foreign Country

Natasha Hoare


November 2013

‘The past is a foreign country: they do things differently there.’ The immortal first line to L. P. Hartley’s...


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