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Frank Wynne
Frank Wynne is a literary translator. He has translated works by Francophone authors including Michel Houellebecq, Patrick Modiano, Pierre Lemaitre, Ahmadou Kourouma and Virginie Despentes. Having spent almost a decade living in Latin America he began translating from Spanish in 2010, with authors including Tómas Eloy Martínez, Javier Cercas and Almudena Grandes. His work has earned various awards, including the IMPAC Prize (2002), the Independent Foreign Fiction Prize (2005), the Scott Moncrieff Prize (2008, 2016) and the Premio Valle Inclán (2012, 2014).

Articles Available Online



January 2017

Oh You

Keller Easterling


January 2017

You won’t be able to do it. It is a call, and it is something you only know how...


March 2017


Guadalupe Nettel

TR. Rosalind Harvey


March 2017

Aside from its absence of windows, my apartment is a mausoleum which bestows an epic dimension upon the important...


November 2011

Interview with Margaret Jull Costa

Sam Gordon


November 2011

On first impressions, this interview with Margaret Jull Costa, happening as it did – for the most part –...


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