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Frank Perry
Frank Perry has translated the work of many of Sweden’s leading writers. His work has won the Swedish Academy prize for the introduction of Swedish literature abroad and the prize of the Writers Guild of Sweden for drama translation.

Articles Available Online



November 2014

Lay and Other Poems

Pere Gimferrer

TR. Adrian Nathan West


November 2014

Ode to Venice Before the Sea of Theaters (from Arde el mar, 1966)   The false cups, the poison,...


Issue No. 12

Interview with Yvonne Rainer

Orit Gat


Issue No. 12

TWO DAYS BEFORE WE WERE SCHEDULED TO MEET, Yvonne Rainer walked into the gallery I was looking after for...

Prize Entry

April 2016

Role Play

Naomi Frisby

Prize Entry

April 2016

Your right hand is the first to go. One Sunday afternoon as you’re sitting on the sofa reading the...


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