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Fiston Mwanza Mujila
Fiston Mwanza Mujila was born in 1981 in Lubumbashi, Democratic Republic of Congo. He now lives in Graz, Austria. Tram 83 is his first novel. It has been shortlisted and won numerous literary prizes in France, Austria, England, and the United States, and is one of three finalists for the pan-African Etisalat Prize for Literature.

Articles Available Online



July 2012

Interview with David Harvey

Matt Mahon


July 2012

David Harvey is rare among Left academics: his work is as much appreciated by anarchists and the Occupy movement...


August 2016

Interview with Daniel Sinsel

Rosanna Mclaughlin


August 2016

In the decade after leaving Chelsea School of Art in 2002, Daniel Sinsel made a name for himself with...


May 2014

Preparation for Trial

Ben Hinshaw


May 2014

Establish remorse from outset. Express bewilderment at sequence of events so unlikely, so absurd and catastrophic. Assure all present...


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