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Filipa Ramos
Lisbon-born Filipa Ramos is a writer and editor based in London, where she works as Editor in Chief of art-agenda. She is a Lecturer in the Experimental Film MA programme of Kingston University and in the MRes Art:Moving Image of Central Saint Martins, both in London, and works with the Master Programme of the Institut Kunst, Basel. Ramos is co-curator of Vdrome, a programme of screenings of films by visual artists and filmmakers. She was Associate Editor of Manifesta Journal and contributed to Documenta 13 (2012) and 14 (2017). She recently edited Animals (Whitechapel Gallery/MIT Press).

Articles Available Online

Francis Upritchard


May 2017

Filipa Ramos


May 2017

Where do anthropology and archaeology meet? Do the study of humankind and the research of its material culture share a common approach? On what...



July 2014

Another month, another year, another crisis: eleven years in Beirut

Paul Cochrane


July 2014

Rumours of impending conflict can wreak a particular type of havoc. This is not as physically manifest as the...


September 2012

Negation: A Response to Lars Iyer's 'Nude in Your Hot Tub'

Scott Esposito


September 2012

I do not know whether I have anything to say, I know that I am saying nothing; I do...


September 2014

Breath-Manifester & Drones

Ned Denny


September 2014

Breath-Manifester   Each bared morning is a swell time to die, Leaving the town’s ornate maze for the level...


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