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Ethan Davison
Ethan Davison is a graduate of Columbia's fiction MFA, where he was nominated for the Henfield Prize for best graduating writer. He lives in Brooklyn. 'The Critic of Tombs' was shortlisted for the 2017 White Review Short Story Prize (US & Canada).

Articles Available Online

The Critic of Tombs

Prize Entry

April 2017

Ethan Davison

Prize Entry

April 2017

Emilia came to Tombs [1] in the twelfth year of the interregnum. It was the first time in history a critic had been assigned...



October 2013

At the Tate Britain: Art Under Attack

Joe Moshenska


October 2013

Iconoclasts have never known quite what to do with the ruined fragments that they leave behind. If we imagine...


November 2015

Anatomy of a Democracy: Javier Cercas

Duncan Wheeler


November 2015

20 November marks the fortieth anniversary of the death of General Franco. And while the insurrectionist’s victory in the...


November 2013

Special School

Iphgenia Baal


November 2013


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