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Divya Osbon
Divya Osbon is an organiser, writer and maker based in London. She works in editions publishing at the Whitechapel Gallery alongside curating independent projects and events.

Articles Available Online

Women on Aeroplanes

Art Review

October 2018

Divya Osbon

Art Review

October 2018

In The Showroom’s Women on Aeroplanes, three artists explore the untold contributions made by black women to transnational liberation movements. New work by Lungiswa...



January 2014

The Dispossessed

Szilárd Borbély

TR. Ottilie Mulzet


January 2014

The Dispossessed is Szilárd Borbély’s first novel, although he has been active – and widely acclaimed – as a poet,...


November 2016

The Green Ray

Agnieszka Gratza


November 2016

I guess it must be the flag of my disposition, out of hopeful green stuff woven. Walt Whitman, Leaves...


August 2016

Interview with Daniel Sinsel

Rosanna Mclaughlin


August 2016

In the decade after leaving Chelsea School of Art in 2002, Daniel Sinsel made a name for himself with...


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