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Devyn Defoe
Devyn Defoe received an MFA from Columbia University and is writing a novel. Her work has previously appeared in Tin House and the artist book Girls In Trees. 'The Lovers' was shortlisted for the 2017 White Review Short Story Prize (US & Canada).

Articles Available Online

The Lovers

Prize Entry

April 2017

Devyn Defoe

Prize Entry

April 2017

Everyone who asks questions, asks in some way about love. The question is one half, the answer the other. If you separate the Lovers...



Issue No. 4

Interview with Ahdaf Soueif

Jacques Testard


Issue No. 4

In 1999, Ahdaf Soueif’s second novel, The Map of Love, was shortlisted for the Booker Prize, eventually losing out...


May 2013

Ad Tertiam

Saskia Hamilton


May 2013

Rows of pines, planted years ago – so many, were you to count them on your fingers, you would...


Issue No. 3

The Far Shore

Michael Hampton


Issue No. 3

Windblown: gone with the summer wind. Windblown: gone with the autumn wind. Windblown: gone with the winter wind. Windblown:...


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