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D. W. Wilson
D. W. Wilson's debut collection of stories, Once You Break a Knuckle, was published by Hamish Hamilton Canada in 2011, followed by Ballistics (2013). He is a Canadian citizen by birth and temperament, but recently completed his PhD in Creative and Critical Writing at the University of East Anglia.

Articles Available Online

On the Notoriously Overrated Powers of Voice in Fiction or How To Fail At Talking To Pretty Girls


Issue No. 1

D. W. Wilson


Issue No. 1

On a Tuesday afternoon in July, not too long ago, a friend of mine struck a pose imitating a self-portrait of the psychedelic Italian...



March 2017

Interview with Lidija Dimkovska

Sara Nović


March 2017

I met Lidija Dimkovska at the Twin Cities Book Festival in October, fleetingly, and completely by accident. I had...


Issue No. 2

The Brothel

Kit Buchan


Issue No. 2

I unearthed a little brothel in the spring of forty-three, It was captained by a midwife who was ninety...


September 2013

Interview with Max Neumann

TR. Andrea Scrima

Joachim Sartorius


September 2013

‘It’s as though you’d like to speak, but have no language.’ These are the words chosen by German painter...


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