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Carlos Busqued
Carlos Busqued was born in Presidencia Roque Sáenz Peña, Chaco, Argentina, in 1970 and lives in Buenos Aires. His first novel, Under This Terrible Sun, was a finalist for the 2008 Herralde Prize and later adapted for film (El Otro Hermano, Adrian Caetano, 2017).

Articles Available Online

Magnetised: A Conversation with Ricardo Melogno


Issue No. 25

Carlos Busqued

TR. Samuel Rutter


Issue No. 25

The following text is the condensed result of over ninety hours of dialogue with Ricardo Melogno, recorded between November 2014 and December 2015. The...



May 2014

How Imagination Remembers

Maria Fusco


May 2014

How imagination remembers is twofold, an enfolded act of greed and ingenuity. I believe these impulses to be linked...


June 2012

At Night the Wife Makes Her Point: Two Poems

Gioconda Belli

TR. Charles Castaldi


June 2012

AT NIGHT, THE WIFE MAKES HER POINT   No. I don’t have Cindy Crawford’s legs. I haven’t spent my...


June 2013

Jean Genet in Spain

Juan Goytisolo

TR. Peter Bush


June 2013

‘1932. Spain at the time was over-run with vermin, its beggars. They went from village to village, in Andalusia...


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