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Can Xue
Can Xue, meaning ‘dirty snow, leftover snow,’ is the pseudonym of Deng Xiaohua. Born in 1953, in Changsha City, Hunan province, her parents were sent to the countryside during the Cultural Revolution, and she only graduated from elementary school. Can Xue learned English on her own and wrote books on Kafka, Shakespeare, and Dante. Her publications in English include Vertical Motion (from which the above is excerpted, courtesy of Open Letter), Blue Light in the Sky and Other Stories (New Directions) and Five Street Spice (Yale). This summer, Yale University Press will publish her novel The Last Lover

Articles Available Online

Vertical Motion


January 2014

Can Xue

TR. Karen Gernant and Chen Zeping


January 2014

We are little critters who live in the black earth beneath the desert. The people on Mother Earth can’t imagine such a large expanse...



June 2011

Arthur Miller

Michael Amherst


June 2011

The last time I saw Vin and Jackie we were killing slugs. The three of us had been smoking...


Issue No. 17

Ada Kaleh

Alexander Christie-Miller


Issue No. 17

When King Carol II of Romania set foot on the tiny Danubian island of Ada Kaleh on 4 May...


Issue No. 15

Haircut Magazine

Luke Brown


Issue No. 15

I. I used to worry about how much more intelligent and successful I would be if I hadn’t spent...


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