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Caleb Klaces
Caleb Klaces is the author, most recently, of the novel Fatherhood. His second collection of poetry, My Little Finger, will be published in 2021.

Articles Available Online

Andrzej Tichý’s ‘Wretchedness’

Book Review

June 2020

Caleb Klaces

Book Review

June 2020

The cellist narrator tries to remember ‘the name of an Italian philosopher who’d written a long and exceptionally deep and incisive essay on {composer...
Three Poets and the World


Issue No. 2

Caleb Klaces


Issue No. 2

In 1925, aged 20, the Hungarian poet Attila József was expelled from the University of Szeged for a radical poem published in a periodical....



Issue No. 4

Mysteries of Music

Michael Horovitz


Issue No. 4

Having absently, that’s to say dozily switched on BBC Radio 3 down in the kitchen as is my frequent...


November 2012

Mr Minotaur

Simon Pomery


November 2012

Hey Mr Minotaur, so red, so neatly hunchbacked on account of your thick neck, ready to headbutt victims to...


June 2011

Interview with Jorge Semprun

TR. Jacques Testard

Pierre Testard

Gwénaël Pouliquen


June 2011

The great Spanish-born writer Jorge Semprún died on Tuesday 8 June 2011 in Paris, aged 87. A Spanish Civil...


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