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Brother Anthony of Taizé
Born in 1942 in Cornwall, Brother Anthony of Taizé has lived in Korea since 1980. He is an Emeritus Professor at Sogang University, and Chair-Professor at Dankook University. He has published over 30 volumes of English translations of Korean poetry and fiction, including ten volumes of work by Ko Un. Read more here.

Articles Available Online



Issue No. 7

Pyramid Schemes: Reading the Shard

Lawrence Lek


Issue No. 7

These sketches were created to illustrate an essay by Lawrence Lek in The White Review No. 7, ‘Pyramid Schemes:...


Issue No. 6

The White Review No. 6 Editorial

The Editors


Issue No. 6

By the looks of it, not much has changed for The White Review. This new edition, like its predecessors,...


Issue No. 7

Comment is Fraught: A Polemic

Mr Guardianista


Issue No. 7

When not listening to the phone messages of recently deceased children or smearing those killed in stadium disasters, journalists...


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