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Annabel Howard
Annabel Howard's short stories and essays have appeared in magazines in the UK, Ireland and Italy. She is currently working on a non-fiction book on the subject of Italian festivals.

Articles Available Online

Gay Madonnas in Montevergine: The Feast of Mamma Schiavona


Issue No. 2

Annabel Howard


Issue No. 2

We are crowded into the medium-sized piazza before the sanctuary of Montevergine. There is no town or village; it sits alone near the top...
On the Relative Values of Humility and Arrogance; or the Confusing Complications of Negative Serendipity


May 2011

Annabel Howard


May 2011

On a distinctly drizzly Wednesday evening in February a friend of mine looked at me and said: ‘Only those who risk reaching too far, find...



April 2013

Félix Fénéon, Bomb-Thrower

Tom McCarthy


April 2013

Editors’ Note: On 25 April 2013, novelist Tom McCarthy announced the winner of the first annual White Review Short...

Prize Entry

April 2017

The Critic of Tombs

Ethan Davison

Prize Entry

April 2017

Emilia came to Tombs [1] in the twelfth year of the interregnum. It was the first time in history...


Issue No. 4

Tibetan Kitsch

Evan Harris


Issue No. 4

I first glimpsed the Potala Palace behind the bending legs of a prostitute. She swayed, obscuring a vista of...


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