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Amelia Abraham

Amelia Abraham is a journalist from London. She is the author of Queer Intentions: A (Personal) Journey Through LGBTQ+ Culture (2019) and the editor of the forthcoming anthology We Can Do Better Than This: 35 Voices on The Future of LGBTQ+ Rights (June 2021)

Articles Available Online

A Leathery Mood: On Jeremy Atherton Lin’s 'Gay Bar'

Book Review

April 2021

Amelia Abraham

Book Review

April 2021

With few exceptions, the queer spaces I have visited over the years vary wildly, but there is a slippery quality that unites my experiences...


Prize Entry

Issue No. 17


Sophie Mackintosh

Prize Entry

Issue No. 17

14. It comes for me in the middle of the day when I am preparing lunch, quartering a tomato...


July 2013

Love Dog

Masha Tupitsyn


July 2013

11 22 2011 – LOVE DOG     For months Hamlet has been floating around. Its book covers popping...


January 2012

Matisse: Tahiti (1930)

Campbell McGrath


January 2012

If I were young again I would forego Tahiti and move to America to begin a new life in...


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