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Alejandra Pizarnik
ALEJANDRA PIZARNIK lived in Paris between 1960 and 1964. There she took classes at the Sorbonne, worked in literary publishing, and translated works by several French-speaking writers including Aimé Cesaire and Antonin Artaud. Trained as a painter, Pizarnik was heavily influenced by the surrealists and also became friends with key figures in the expatriate community of Latin American writers, most notably Octavio Paz (1914-1998) and her compatriot Julio Cortázar (1914-1984). She died in 1972, aged 36.

Articles Available Online

Diana's Tree


January 2015

Alejandra Pizarnik

TR. Yvette Siegert


January 2015

Diana’s Tree, Alejandra Pizarnik’s fourth collection, was published in 1962, when the poet was barely 26 years old. Named after a tree-shaped silvery amalgam that...



November 2014

Conversations About a Play

Louise Stern


November 2014

Editor’s note: The images in the slideshow document a conversation on paper between the writer and artist Louise Stern...


Issue No. 3

Forkhead Box

Jeremy M. Davies


Issue No. 3

What interests me most is that Schaumann, the state executioner, bred mice. In his spare time. Sirens, ozone, exhaust...


November 2015

Streets of Contradiction


November 2015

Jerusalem has a remarkably cohesive identity, in architectural terms. Every building, from the Western Wall to the sleek hotels...


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