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Adrian Nathan West

Adrian Nathan West is a writer and translator based in the United States and Spain. His recent translations include Pere Gimferrer’s Alma Venus and Austrian Büchner Prizewinner Josef Winkler’s Natura Morta: a Roman Novella. He lives with the cinema critic Beatriz Leal Riesco.

Articles Available Online



February 2013

Haitian Art and National Tragedy

Rob Sharp


February 2013

Thousands of Haiti’s poorest call it home: Grand Rue, a district of Port-au-Prince once run by merchants and bankers,...

Prize Entry

April 2015

The Incidental

Luke Melia

Prize Entry

April 2015

The automatic rifle fire was followed by an unnerving whistle at Ti’s ear. He gripped the shopping bags, grabbed...


Issue No. 5

Interview with Hans Ulrich Obrist

Ben Eastham


Issue No. 5

Hans Ulrich Obrist is a compulsive note taker. For the duration of our interview one hand twitches a pen...


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