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Tiffany Tsao

Tiffany Tsao is a translator and writer. Her translations include Sergius Seeks Bacchus by Norman Erikson Pasaribu and Paper Boats by Dee Lestari. The UK edition of her novel, The Majesties, came out in August 2020 with Pushkin Press.

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Issue No. 9

Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author James Murphy's Notes on Nicola Morelli Berengo

Francesco Pacifico

TR. Livia Franchini


Issue No. 9

Biography | Cattolicissimo trio composed of mother father beloved son. God, why doesn’t the English language have an equivalent...


March 2013

Interview with Billy Childish

José da Silva


March 2013

Buzzed in through the red metal door and down the stone steps into the bunker that is L-13. The...


Issue No. 6

The White Review No. 6 Editorial

The Editors


Issue No. 6

By the looks of it, not much has changed for The White Review. This new edition, like its predecessors,...


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