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Samanta Schweblin
Samanta Schweblin was born in Buenos Aires in 1978. In 2001, she was awarded first prize by both the National Fund for the Arts and the Haroldo Conti National Competition for her debut, El Núcleo del Disturbio (where 'To Kill a Dog' appears). In 2008, she won the Casa de las Américas prize for her second collection of stories, Pájaros en la boca. Two years later, she was listed among the Best of Young Spanish Writers by Granta Magazine. Her work has been translated into numerous languages and appeared in more than twenty countries. She lives in Berlin.

Articles Available Online

To Kill a Dog


January 2014

Samanta Schweblin

TR. Brendan Lanctot


January 2014

The Mole says: name, and I answer. I waited for him at the indicated location and he picked me up in the Peugeot that...



September 2013

Outside the Uniform

Kaya Genç


September 2013

I.   The first time I had to wear a uniform I looked like a madman struggling against a...


May 2014

Interview with Eimear McBride

David Collard


May 2014

Eimear McBride’s first book, the radically experimental A Girl is a Half-formed Thing, was written when she was 27 and...


February 2012

Giant Impact Hypothesis

James Midgley


February 2012

I bought a satellite’s eye from the market. To look through it involved the whole god-orbit, a cotton-wooled Faberge...


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